Want to see how a real Democrat answers questions? Check out
Middleton Representative Dianne Hesselbein’s responses to the State Journal candidates Q & A. Believe me, you’ll
never hear DPW’s Mike Tate say anything so uncluttered and to the point:
Q&A: Do you favor making Wisconsin a right-to-work state?Come on, tell us what you really think.
What changes do you want to see in state environmental laws and regulations?Hesselbein: No. Let’s call it the way it really is: “right-to-work” means “work-for-less” pay and benefits. The intent is to cripple unions and move employees toward the economic status of Chinese and Vietnamese working in virtual slavery. Right-to-work legislation has not benefited the middle and working class families in neighboring states, and it will not benefit hard-working Wisconsinites.
Hesselbein: I want out-of-state companies to stop donating $700,000 to campaign committees that in turn write legislative bills detrimental to the state of Wisconsin. I want clear, rigorous laws enacted by state legislators that provide a better life for Wisconsin citizens, not for outside interests. We simply cannot permit long-term devastation of our environment by corporate carpetbaggers seeking short-term profits.
The new generation that's hit the Assembly Dems in the last 4 years is a great group, and one who doesn't back down from telling the truth about the Wrecking Crew at the Capitol.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the rest of the party could learn from that approach. From leadership on down.
I'm hoping that's the case.