With the initial stages of our new and convoluted electoral,
food stamp and unemployment system in place, the Walker authority is about to
enter the next phase of Rube Goldberg regulation including drug testing for
public assistance, advantage GOP election law by getting rid of the nonpartisan
GAB, expand charter and vouchers despite their devastating impact on rural
schools, and delay an inmate’s release until they get temporary employment
first (is that even legal?).

I liked only one idea: to “create electronic benefit cards
for public assistance recipients” with a photo. The card can then be used for
voting as well? Vos and company never mentioned that for some reason. Would you be surprised if they didn’t want to make voting
that easy for their targeted suppression efforts.
And for those people buying food in the wrong places? Vos would attack food stamp abuse this way...
And for those people buying food in the wrong places? Vos would attack food stamp abuse this way...
Cards should be programmed to automatically decline at places like casinos, liquorstores or strip clubs.Their unashamed racist stereotype did not go unnoticed on page 11.
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