Thursday, May 2, 2013

Voucher Entitlement just another bad Republican idea!

Framing important issues, and selling them has always been the Democratic Party's biggest weakness. Maybe they're so used to waiting for the next abusive assault by Republicans they forgot how to lead.

But framing a basic truth that stirs something in the gut is just what Schools Administrators Alliance has done, and it should be repeated over and over by every Democrat. Own it:
Many observers have called Governor Walker’s proposal to expand private school vouchers bad education policy. I agree. But, today, I would like to address voucher expansion from the perspective of fiscal policy. If voucher advocates are successful in expanding private school vouchers in this budget, vouchers will eventually become one of the largest taxpayer‐funded entitlements in Wisconsin.
Like I've been saying for years, it's crazy to set up multiple schools systems if just one of them is too expensive already.

In the 1990's, Governor Tommy Thompson was asked about his lack of support for statewide voucher expansion. He answered, “We can’t afford two systems of education.” His words ring just as true today as they did then.

We simply can’t afford two systems of education in Wisconsin.

After spending nine years on the staff of the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance, I have to say I am perplexed that so many fiscal conservatives would support growing entitlement spending of this magnitude. Voucher expansion is not only bad education policy. It is bad fiscal policy as well.

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