Friday, March 9, 2012

Walker could have had mining bill, but no compromise policy killed jobs. Now he blames everyone else...again.

Compromise!!!  It's off the table for Scott Walker. He killed the mining jobs.

Compromise could have passed job creating mining legislation, but what Wisconsinites witnessed again was the no compromise governing style of Scott Walker. Everything Walker lists here are all things he and Sen. Scott Fitzgerald could have changed, but they chose not too. They stuck to the mining company's poorly written legislation.

The unnamed mysterious forces of evil all conspired against Scott Walker from far off Washington:
Walker's paranoia: "I think there was too many people listening to political special interest groups out of Washington, who didn't want me and my team to have a victory here."

Walker's projection: "I think it's not only frustrating, I just think it's downright disgusting. You had senators who were willing to put politics over jobs."

Walker's sellout: "Dale Schultz and Bob Jauch in particular put a proposal on the table, uh, that the company couldn't except." 
Really? Who's running this state? The proposal was a compromise meant for their fellow senators, not an appeasement to some "my way or the highway" corporate bully's ultimatum. From Fox 6:

It's becoming more obvious everyday that Scott Walker can't manage his way out of a brown paper bag lunch, without a super majority. Weak leadership is Scott Walker's new MO, as he tries to blame everyone else for his own inability to compromise.
Walker's victimhood: "If politics is going to play a higher priority than getting people back to work, than I think it's a sad day." 
Projection, definitely. Someone appears to be a little too preoccupied with his political legacy, ya think?

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