Friday, March 9, 2012

Blame the Democrats and not the uncompromising Republicans in the senate for the scuttled mining bill?

Looks like someone didn’t take their meds.

If I had my way, I would like to see unionization nationwide, now that more people are familiar with   the benefits of representation. But unions are also comprised of Democrats and Republicans, and that can be a volatile situation.  

Union President Lyle Balistreri is now denouncing solidarity, for a dirtier environment and a corporate giveaway to mining interests. The jobless are this desperate? That’s right where the Republicans want us.
Channel58: Milwaukee Building Trades council president Lyle Balistreri sided with Senate Democrats during last year’s collective bargaining battle. But now he is clearly upset with their no vote on mining. In fact, he called out Senator Spencer Coggs during a Reclaim Wisconsin event Wednesday night.

"So…Senator Coggs how bout I send 300, 400 of my unemployed guys up to your office and you can explain to them why you voted the way you did! I've had it! I've had it! "Solidarity" "I've had it," Balistreri said. Balistreri represents thousands of construction trade workers.
That’s right, join the Republicans and the mining companies “my way or the highway” self-written legislative proposal, and to hell with the environmental after effects statewide. Agreed, not every union is going to be onboard with every job creating bill at the Capitol, but since when was this a problem created by the Democrats? You’d think Balistreri would have gone after Walker and Fitzgerald for not compromising. From Channel 58

During an unscheduled rant at the podium he lashed out at what he called 'ugly partisan politics' that’s costing his membership good, family supporting jobs. Coggs and fellow Democratic Senators cited environmental concerns as the reason they didn’t pass the bill, but said they were willing to come to a bipartisan agreement that Republicans wouldn't agree to. Senator Dale Shultz was the only Republican who voted against the bill. 
As one person commented, and perhaps hit on the real reason why Walker decided not to compromise:
Well that about seals a Walker win in this recall!


  1. Note to Lyle Balistreri: Democrats in the legislature are the best friends you have. It's ironic you should attack the Dems for the partisan atmosphere in the Capitol when it is the GOP that refused to compromise on the mining bill. Being "with" you doesn't mean rolling over and playing dead every time you want something. Don't let Walker and the right wing use you by promising jobs that may never materialize.

  2. Just how many jobs were the Milwaukee building trades going to get out of project 400 miles away?

    Why bring in members to pressure Democrats when they could have applied the same pressure to Republicans who --by the way-- want to turn Wisconsin into a Right-To-Work-For-Less state?

    With Labor leaders like this who needs enemies? I'm guessing he wanted to dish out some political payback on the local level and got himself too worked-up. That's my best possible spin, the worst -- I won't even mention.
