Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dumb Ron Johnson on Fixing Obamacare: Replace it with the Old System...but worse!!

In describing the Affordable Care Acts supposed problems, Dumb Ron Johnson actually used the same list of horrors we saw under the old system. He really didn't know?

Where was Johnson when Americans were dropped from their plans, insurance rated went through the roof, others subsidized the under/uninsured, some groups rates were higher to cover others, and oh yea, the high risk pools supported by taxpayers paid for preexisting conditions so insurers could make a profit. Where was the concern back then Dumb Ron Johnson?

Even worse is Johnson's new bill, "Preserving Freedom and Choice in Health Care," that takes away all mandated coverage. You get to choose as few or as many illnesses as you can afford to cover, with small print legalese that essentially turns everyone's coverage into worthless junk policies. That means you'll still have to pay a monthly premium whether you get coverage or not. We should sleep easier under Johnson's plan?

This guy is a panicky train wreck that never stops embarrassing Wisconsin voters. What in gods name were they thinking?  From Capitol City Sunday:


  1. Ron is right...why not help those that cannot afford insurance. Then, for those that wish to not get insurance for whatever reason, do not let them have medical bills forgiven for any reason if they did not have insurance. Make people responsible but also give them the choice....whats so hard about that?

  2. The point you are missing is that the insurance compnies are more than willing to charge for policies that offer little or no benefits. This is on top of the lifetime maximum and the disallowance of preexisting conditions. Many of the so called "dropped plans" were basically of no value because of their lack of coverage.
