Friday, March 7, 2014

WMC gets Restaurant/Hotel PR Firm to manufacture outrageous phony job loss numbers to scare public over hike in minimum wage.

Wisconsin will not move forward with a minimum wage hike. That was made perfectly clear when Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce released the most ridiculous prediction of job losses the media has ever seen:
Channel3000: Some of Wisconsin's largest business associations say a nearly $3 increase in the state's minimum wage would cost the economy 27,000 jobs, citing recent polls and a study by a conservative Washington think tank.
The only story pointing out where these skewed numbers came from was Wisconsin Public Radio, who wrote:
The assertion that 27,000 jobs will be lost comes from a study out of the Employment Policies Institute. Scot Ross, with the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, says the source of the numbers is significant. The Employment Policies Institute is run by the same PR firm that represents the restaurant and hotel industries, which oppose minimum wage hikes.
Big surprise? No one else mention it. I inserted One Wisconsin Now's Scot Ross' comments in the Channel3000 news clip below:

1 comment:

  1. Color me NOT surprised. WPR, We Promote Republicans.

    Keene Winters, (elitist asshole, Wausau) Joy Cardin's guest pundit yesterday, blows the racist, and, 'white trash,' dog whistle directly while defending Paul Ryan and condemning free breakfasts for children at school. "Those lazy parents who can't get even get out of bed to fix their kids something to eat..."

    Not a thought those parents may have had to be to McD's baking muffins two hours before their children needed to head to school. Both sides of the issues is not what journalism is. Lazy, cheap sensationalistic listener bait serving no one's real interests with those air waves. Can we say good-bye to Cardin like we did to Republican partisan, Ben, 'aren't you tired of all this recall stuff,' Merens.
