Saturday, February 9, 2013

Isn't it Insane to be against Health Care?

I've never been able to figure it out; Republicans, teabillies and libertarians don’t want people to have health care. In their upside down view of the world, health care has been tied directly to money, and a person’s ability to pay.

If God created “man” to have certain inalienable rights, you would have thought that “health” would be right up there. But you would be wrong.

So that’s what makes the bizarre anti-Obamacare screeds so interesting. They’re attempting to convince everyone, even Republican governors and the hospital industry, that they’re all wrong about the savings.

Businesses don’t owe society nothing!!!

Keep in mind Republicans are okay with employers freeloading off government health care, because after all, they’re exempted from societal responsibility and they've got a bottom line and profit to be made. Conservatives have placed businesses ahead of “man.”

Biblically, I might have gotten a few things out of order. It probably went something like this; God had to create “man” to work for his first creation, business. And then he created “woman” to work for less. It's in Genesis somewhere.  

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