Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mitt Romney a job creator! MittFlops footwear finds consumer sweet spot.

You might have noticed I'm a sucker for trendy and not so trendy products. Most hit the right note, like bloody shower curtains, beer holder mittens, a Hot Wheels car and tablet video game track...etc. I even have a zombie products post waiting in the wings. 

But more timely would be the MittFlops movement. Not only has the initial idea taken off, but new lines are being created everyday. Who knows what will be made next, heck, Mitt's a potential store aisle. 

What's not to like....?
MittFlops: The Fastest Growing Trend in Political Footwear

What to do with a man like Mitt Romney?  A man who changes his beliefs faster than a prison escapee ditches a jumpsuit.  A man who declared his support for a woman's right to choose then denied being pro choice; stood for healthcare insurance reform then tried to crush it; advocated environmental control … only to campaign against it.

Where does he belong -- the White House? No way. The better place for him: under your foot.
Here's Mitt's latest from Campaign for America's Future's email alert:
Romney Breaks Flip-Flop Speed Record
Romney takes both sides of GOP anti-contraception bill on same day. NYT: "'I’m not for the bill,' Mr. Romney said, but then added, 'the idea of presidential candidates getting into questions about contraception within a relationship between a man and a women, husband and wife, I’m not going there.' ... Mr. Romney and his aides quickly corrected his remarks, saying he strongly supports the Senate amendment, and had not properly understood the question."

1 comment:

  1. These are interesting, but are more original.
