Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sen. Orrin Hatch against "saying people all have to sign up for something."

Sen. Orrin Hatch is for the Patriot Act and Voter ID, but against gun registration. What gives? I could include the silly examples given by Republicans about being required to show ID to buy beer, register at grocery markets to cash checks, vehicle registration…you know drill.

These are all according to Hatch, “reductions in liberty.” “It flies in the face of liberty” says Hatch. And Hatch is less concerned with the 26 people in the Sandy Hook shooting who lost all their rights in an instant, than losing the imagined rights never enumerated in the Bill of Rights.
HuffintonPost: Pursuing even the most popular of measures to curb gun violence would be a step toward destroying Americans' liberty, Sen. Orrin Hatch argued Thursday. "That's the way reductions in liberty occur," Hatch told reporters outside the Senate chamber. "When you start saying people all have to sign up for something, and they have a database where they know exactly who's who, and where government can persecute people because of the database, that alarms a lot of people in our country, and it flies in the face of liberty." he was "concerned as anybody" about mass shootings such as the attacks Sandy Hook, Conn., and Aurora, Colo. "But it's also not easy to stand up for the liberty rights of people that really are the basis for the Second Amendment to begin with."
I say we don’t register or sign up for anything anymore, even cars, charge cards, voter ID, guns, building permits…nothing.  It’s a reduction in liberty.

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