Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wisconsin State Journal headline Pushes GOP False Attack!!!

What's the opposite of an activist liberal judge? A perfectly acceptable activist conservative Waukesha judge!

That's the argument being made by state GOP politicians, in a concerted campaign to sway public opinion away from any judge that doesn't brag that they are conservative. The GOP presidential candidates all have promised to stack the courts with conservatives. No one seemed shocked.

Just yesterday I pointed out the odd media coverage in Madison's only newspaper, the conservative mouthpiece, the Wisconsin State Journal.

The new lie by Madison's only newspaper, jumped of the front page this morning:

So says the GOP!!! This outrageous headline has already been disproved in the press by the local television stations, as demonstrated in the combined clips below from WISC and WKOW.

Watch Republican Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Ben Sparks fumble for every fanciful reasons why Judge Flanagan violated the law, it's a truly laughable moment. But Sen. Scott Fitzgerald's comment is the topper. He more than suggests that judges in liberal Dane County are partisan activists, and must be discredited.    
Fitzgerald: "The MO is to make sure you keep getting elected as a judge in Dane County, so the more you bash a Republican or shoot down there ideas, it's probably better for them politically." 
Fitzgerald makes it sound as though the decision resulted from a heated debate in a bar somewhere. So going to a judge known to be an activist conservative judge in conservative Waukesha County, where they know they'll be reelected for shooting down Democratic challenges, is just fine then?

According to the WSJ editorial this morning:
When petitions to recall the governor started circulating across Wisconsin last year, editors here at the State Journal reminded everyone in our newsroom not to sign or participate in the effort — neither for nor against.
This is where we're going. Employers will soon be telling their employees just who and what they can support, because according to them, people can't do their job and still have an opinion or participate in their own government. The same for judges apparently, except for Justice Clarence Thomas and his tea party activist wife Ginny.

In the audio clip below, WTDY's Dylan Brogan has Fitzgerald calling Flanagan, a Republican appointed judge, "an activist  Dane County judge." Besides making Dane County appear to be a lawless land of liberalism, John Nichols wonders how long ago the GOP knew Flanagan had signed the recall petition, after he ruled in favor of the administration prior to his latest decision:

And finally, this comment left at Root River Siren, who's take on this worth the read:
The Prosser Four in covering their own backsides have declared that a judge's constitutional rights are not a basis for disqualification:

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