Monday, March 5, 2012

Scott Walker caught Lying!!! Video shows he Intentionally left out Plan to Strip Collective Bargaining.

Seeing is believing, and the what you have in the video below is proof Scott Walker lied about his true intentions in dealing with the unions. As reported in the jsonline:

In a meeting with the editorial board of the Oshkosh Northwestern days before the election in 2010, Walker pointed to successes he had dealing with unions in Milwaukee County as examples of how he would extract concessions from state workers.
Walker's backstop plan was to institute furloughs for those unions that didn't go along with contributing more to their health care insurance and pensions, not shred collective bargaining. The video was posted at Uppity Wisconsin. I've improved the audio a bit here:

Walker lied!! 

“You still have to negotiate it,” he said. “I did it at the county as well where I've had some of my employee unions agree to it, others have not ... we set (furloughs) as a fallback for those employees who were in (unions) that did not settle for what we're asking for.”

Ironically, one of the ways Walker has defended his elimination of collective bargaining is by pointing out that it prevented furloughs and layoffs.
Here's Sly in the Morning and John Nichols take on the deception:


  1. Bice had this up briefly but then it was scrubbed by JS online and did not appear in print at all. Can't find it at all.


    I doubt iit was something Bice supported.

  2. Seriously. You and that "You can't make this stuff up" you guys even READ other blogs? EVERRRRRRR?!
    This not really "via the JSOnline" as you say. It's really via the WI BLOGGER(S) who have been posting this for the LAST WEEK.
    Blogging is not just re-posting what appears on the mega-newsppaer's front page and acting like you have found the Missing Link single-handedly. IF you're gonna post about stories that have been approved by the media elite and printed and spread far and wide ALREADY, it should be because you have something new - a thought and observation - to add. Otherwise don't bother repeating the repeats of the repeats. It makes no sense. You'd be better off spending the time cleaning your garage or talking to your kid.

    A guy named Jud Loundsbury first posted on this some time ago. I suspect a ONW worker fed it to him, but whatevs. MANY other bloggers picked it up LAST WEEK to make it go as "viral" as possible.


    Read your fellow blogger's work for god's sake. Right now you're notifying THEM of stories they broke themselves and GIVING THE JS CREDIT. When I go around defending WI Cheddarsphere - you know sumthin's f-ed up.
    Really. Gawd! That other guy has a FUBAR comment system or I woulda read him The Act as well.


  3. To Anonymous...
    I have read other blogs, but did not see this story until I saw it on Rock Netroots and Uppity Wisconsin.

    You know, we all can't read every solid piece of great blogging out there, although I wish I could. There are times when it's good to give the other blogs a chance to build their audience with their own great coverage before I repost their work, giving linked credit of course.

    The Oshkosh Northwestern makes it difficult to access old recorded interviews, or least I have had problems finding stuff. jsonline eventually had the story when I was putting my take together, so I used it along with Uppity.

    But you're right, bloggers were on this thing and recognized how important it was to the upcoming recall. It's a pivotal addition and destroys his narrative that we should have known all along what he had planned.
