Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Republican U.S. Senate Candidates Focus like a Laser on Lowering Gas prices at the pump. I wish I were kidding.

Are they kidding us? With all the issues that needs to be debated in the upcoming elections, would our wanna be politicians really promise lower gas prices? Even Fox News has given up, for the most part, on this silly trumped up outrage. Polling shows that most people are onto this scam.

But that can't be said of our Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate seat. Tommy Thompson, Mark Neumann and Jeff Fitzgerald have decided to waste our time bashing Obama for the high gas prices. That would mean doing away with the world oil market and OPEC. My eyes are rolling back into my head typing this.

Thompson: "The failure of President Obama to aggressively address this issue is costing America jobs and national security. It's a choice between more regulation or more freedom."

Neumann: "America's energy crisis harms not only our economy but threatens our national security. We really need a big picture energy plan that ends our dependence on countries whose tyrants want to kill us."

Fitzgerald: "Unfortunately, we've seen things from (the Obama) administration like the Keystone Pipeline that's been killed, and that's killed thousands of jobs that could've come here to the U.S.." 

And instead of any tax increases on the wealthy, supported by a majority of Americans in every party, they want to have "straight talk" about cutting the two life saving programs the elderly count on, Social Security and Medicare. God I hate these people. WISC:

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