Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Frivolous Lawsuit over Refusal to remove Walker Car Sign possible, from lawsuit hating conservative Walker Supporter?

Republicans are such hypocrites. They hate trial lawyers and their frivolous lawsuits, but the story changes, when they think they need one of those sneaky attorneys.

And what about all the recent talk about private companies being free to do business in this state without the threat of lawsuits and regulation?

Well guess what…
jsonline: Custodian Mary Taylor, at Whitewater High School, says she was fired by the private company that employs her because of a pro-Scott Walker sign that she had displayed in her car, her attorney said Wednesday. The company — Diversified Building Maintenance of Janesville — has a different take. A manager with the company said the custodian was asked to remove the sign, but the company rescinded its request after talking with school system administrators.
So this school custodian felt obligated to seek out former Waukesha DA and now big time attorney Paul Bucher? On her pay?
Attorney Paul Bucher said he will speak with Taylor in more detail Friday and that he does not know yet whether Taylor will pursue any legal action, but an initial conversation with Taylor indicates there was no misunderstanding.
Something doesn't smell right here. Not only is former Waukesha DA Paul Bucher on the case, but Taylor managed to get some help from big time right wing bigot Mark Belling:
Mark Belling, on WISN-AM, said on his show Friday and repeated Monday that Taylor had contacted him and told him that Diversified fired her. The custodian refused both requests, according to the company and the school system.
If the boss tells you to remove a sign in your car during business hours, should you be able to lip off and refuse, without getting fired?

I guess. Republicans hate frivolous lawsuits and hate it when small businesses are threatened by trial lawyers, except this time.

Where’s Walker and the Fitzgerald’s when a small business needs their help? If she needed anyone, it would be a union.

1 comment:

  1. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Only a fool wouldn't use the same tactics his opponents use. It is only leveling the playing field. If you don't want such tactics used, then don't start using them first. Where was the ACLU when her rights needed protecting. It is about time for a ACLU that protects 'everyone' and not just a select few.
