Friday, June 10, 2011

Americans Under Attack: Forced Tribute to Union Bosses? Union Congressional Puppets? Violent strikes-beatings-arson-even murder? The term "Big Labor?"

What world, what reality, and what history are Republicans referring to every day, every waking moment of our political debate and life?

First the easy facts about union membership: In 2010, the union membership rate--the percent of wage and salary workers who were members of a union--was 11.9 percent, down from 12.3 percent a year earlier. The union membership rate for public sector workers (36.2  percent) was substantially higher than the rate for private sector workers (6.9 percent).

Remember these numbers. After Wall Street wiped out 8 million jobs in the blink of an eye, and crashed the global economy, what the hell did unions have to do with our current morass? Did union bosses force private company jobs overseas(again, 6.9% private sector union workers)?

But Sen. Rand Paul actually blames unions, organized LABOR, for all our woes. In fact, forget all that corporate money influencing our pay to play government, it’s nothing compared to the huge 6.9% private sector union membership money, and total 11 percent overall. In this email solicitation, Rand Paul is working with the stealth corporately backed National Right to Work Committee to get you to contribute to your own demise. Beautiful! It's a magical mystery tour through an alternate universe where unions have unlimited power and use gangland force against dissenters.

Rand Paul: They snickered when I said I came to the U.S. Senate to change Congress. But their laughter stopped when I sponsored the National Right to Work Act to free U.S. workers from forced unionization and break Big Labor's multi-billion dollar political machine forever. As you know, the right to decide freely whether or not to join a union was taken away from American workers by Congress almost 75 years ago.

A result of back-room deals between union bosses and their tax-and-spend Congressional puppets, compulsory unionism provisions in federal law currently empower union officials to:

Force nearly 11 million Americans to pay tribute to a union boss to get or keep a job ...

Brazenly loot union treasuries to fund the election of their hand-picked political puppet candidates like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid ...Terrorize workers and communities with violent strikes -- where they get away with beatings, arson -- even murder. 
Many Democrats and more than a few Republicans elected with Big Labor's over $1 billion in forced-dues political cash cower in fear of casting a vote against the National Right to Work Act. Union bosses take this eye-popping heap of dough to feed a lifestyle of limousines, penthouses and raw political power. Millions more good-paying jobs destroyed or driven overseas as union czars cripple America's bedrock industries with wasteful work rules, hate-the-boss propaganda and violent strikes. Small businesses strangled with red tape and bureaucracy designed by greedy union flunkies to kill companies too small for so-called union “organizing.”  
Poor corporate America can't keep up spending so much to fight against the rights of working Americans who think they're entitled to a middle class life.

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