Monday, March 5, 2012

Castle Doctrine Death proves "law abiding citizens" make mistakes!!

There is no stopping the madness now. The newly protected class of gun owners who are able to shoot first, kill someone and get off scot free got ugly over the weekend, when a student who'd been partying was gunned down for hiding on a guys porch.

The details are still sketchy, but from all appearances, a life was needlessly lost because a gun owner was given a sense of infallibility with the castle doctrine law. I've posted most of the story details from TMJ4 for clarity in this developing story. But so far, the media itself has differed wildly in it's coverage. Check out the video clip, and see for yourself the devastated lives surrounding the consequences of this irresponsibly written law. As tea party ideologue Sen. Pam Galloway said with mind numbing stupidity:
Republican Senator Pam Galloway from Wausau told Newsline 9, "Law-abiding citizens shouldn't be forced to run away from their own homes when being faced with an intruder, and they certainly should not have to worry about being sued for defending themselves."

Friends of the man killed near the scene of an underage drinking party say they want the man who pulled the trigger to be held accountable in the death.

"My son died, killed, shot to the heart," Lauri Morrison says. "From the neighbor on the porch. Like an animal." Danielle Alvaro and a group of friends were at a Friday night party at a house on the 100 block of North Kettle Moraine in the town of Slinger when chaos broke out. "We were hiding from the cops," Alvaro says. "We didn't want to get under age drinking tickets."

Party-goers scattered, including Bo Morrison. The 20-year-old Morrison ran next door to hide in an enclosed porch. The couple that lives there told Slinger Police someone was breaking into their home. That's when he was shot and killed.

Sunday, Bo's circle of friends gathered to offer each other support. "This is like your heart getting crushed into two halfs and you don't know which half to take," friend C.J. Catozzi says. Friends say even though Bo has had past run-ins with the law, what happened early Saturday was no crime. These friends want the shooter to face justice.

"We can't have Bo back, and Bo can't tell his side of the story because he took him away," Alvaro says. "Why not shoot my son in the leg and call 911?" Morrison says. "He took my son's life with one shot," Morrison says. "But killed six of us in our family. His father, me and all the kids are distraught. He took a whole family out with one bullet."

TODAY'S TMJ4's Todd Hicks tried to get the homeowners' side of the story, but no one answered at their Slinger home. The shooter was arrested Saturday, but was later released.
Here are a few comments posted at the jsonline site, that prove my point about the new mindset about our guilt free killing policy:
Post 1: This young 20 year old drunkard should have thought about the $100 underage ticket vs his life. Tragedy, yes.... but also very, very stupid! Is the home owner NOT to protect himself and his family???

Post 2: Maybe the homeowner did say freeze. Take a look at CCAP. Bail jumping, resisting arresst, battery, underage drinking, open intoxicants, speeding etc. The list goes on. Response to the post: “Execution is the only reasonable punishment”

Post 3: To the family members of students at a large campus in Milwaukee: Your students sometimes walk on my lawn. When drunk, some even have come up on my porch, confused as to the address of their next party or incapable of reading the large address numbers. 

A few of your really drunk students have rung my doorbell in the middle of the night. But please know that I have no intention of shooting them for "invading" my lawn and my porch or ringing the doorball of my "castle."

Some of us were idiots when we were young, too. Fortunately, nobody shot us for it, so that we never would grow up and get old and yell "get off of my lawn" or get crotchety about the porches, for pity's sake, of our so-called "castles."

Signed, Your Students' Neighbor

And finally, my interview with Sly in the morning: Click here.


  1. It's unfortunate that this kid was shot to death. But everybody keeps talking like this was intentional homicide. It wasn't. This homeowner if he's anything like me is well aware of the home invasions increasing on a exponential level. I am too old to physically defend myself. Castle Doctrine is giving me the right to protect my self in my home and on my property as needed, with a firearm if necessary. In a tense situation,like this may have been, the homeowner would have to ask himself many questions very quickly. Is this person intent on bodily harming me or my family? Does he have a gun, knife, baseball bat, tire iron that I don't see yet? Too many questions in usually a fraction of a second must be answered. A criminal bent on attacking a person can cover 10ft in less than a second and a half. How fast can you make these decisions? I pray for the victims and homeowner, nobody wins this round.

  2. The 20 yr old man that entered this mans house ,(enclosed porch with a locking door ) broke in and was a shot because he was stupid. What kind of idiot does this? I know , an African American man in an all white community at 2 am ! Myself, an Afican American, wouldn't even do something as foolish as that! I believe in the right to protect my house with deadly force if I feel threatened. It doesn't matter anymore with WI Castle doctrine. Use of deadly force can be used with out the fear of being prosecuted. If you don't like it raise your kids better!

  3. Amazing response, and just what I expect is the thinking of many who now feel free to act irresponsibly. Protecting your "house" is insane. Your life is another matter. Does it not occur to you that the guy was probably just hiding on the porch, which probably wasn't locked, like many similar porches?

    Without fear of prosecution is sociolpathic behavior...and scary.

  4. The porch was locked. Other news reports state this. How do you or anyone else know his intent? Why not teach a lesson here? Maybe you can spare more lives that way !

  5. It now turns out that the shooter was the one who called in the noise complaint to police. So he was a awake and probably watching as the kids scattered when the police arrived. His house is next door to the party house and there is a large shrub next to his front door that a fleeing kid might hide behind to avoid being seen by the police. This would place the kid on the house's front stoop, not inside the house. The shooter killed the kid because he could, not because he was in danger.
    He was not surprised by someone trying to break into his house.
    Basically he shot the kid for walking on his lawn.

  6. This 20 year old adult has had a number of criminal charges against him. Resisting arrest, bail jumping, possesion of drug equipment to name a few. He mad a concious decision to break into a locked door. If he was obeying the law, he wouldn't have been drinking, and he'd be alive. If he had surrendered, he would have gotten a ticket and he'd be alive. If the owner of the house with the underage party was a responsible adult, there would have been no party and he'd be alive. If he'd chosen any path that was law abiding, he'd be alive. He chose to drink underage, run evading and resisting, and break and enter in a house at 2am. A law abiding citizen excercised his right to protect his family against an unknown threat. As is his right voted on by a majority of the citizens of this state. This " kid" had outstanding court cases against him yet he continued to violate the law. This was not and upstanding person or a good kid. He knew right from wrong and continued to choose wrong. I'm sorry his mother is so distraught but she and her husband obviously had no effect on this adults chioce of poor behavior. They had failed as parents and this adult chose a path that led him to getting killed as a law breaker. If you have never had your life in danger in any way you cannot understand how fast the events transpire. The homeowner acted within his right to defend his family. If Mr Morrison had acted like a responsible adult, this would not have happened. Too bad for him.
