Saturday, June 11, 2011

More Libertarian Party Wacky Lunacy; “The essential problem with Medicare is that it's a coercive program. Medicare should be terminated.”

With power comes cockiness. With cockiness, we get brutal honesty.

The babbling nonsense from Libertarians is markedly extreme and should be described as such, without humoring these delirious self-absorbed ghouls. For example:

ColumbiaBasinHerald: Libertarian Party Chair Mark Hinkle released the following statement regarding the future of Medicare: "The essential problem with Medicare is that it's a coercive program. All Americans are forced to participate in the Medicare scheme, whether or not they think it's good for them. Paul Ryan's plan does nothing to address that essential problem.

These social leaches would have the rest of society taking care of them in their old age, when in a revelatory moment of clarity, they realize they were wrong. Apparently in their world, everyone has endless amounts of money stowed away in retirement. Poverty doesn’t exist because free market competition lowered prices to dollar store values. Of course people would be working for much less, so saving for their retirement might be a complete impossibility, but details details.

"Getting the government out of health care will rapidly cut costs and improve quality for Americans of all ages.
Yes, cheaper health care will be “better?”

Oh, and if we weren’t sure what conservatives have in mind for Medicare (where’s Politicfact when you need them) we have another crystal clear statement:

"We believe that Medicare should be terminated. The Constitution does not give the federal government any authority to provide or pay for health care. No one should be forced to pay taxes into a system they dislike and don't want to use.

Of course the Constitution was never intended to be the definitive “list” of rights, just a framework, but if you intentionally misread it, then you can make up libertarian drivel like this.

The Cato Institute: “…let's suffer the pain now, and end this system now, so that their lives can be brighter, and their health can be stronger."
And finally, the Libertarian Party position. You’ll notice that all of us will have the freedom to do whatever we “wanted” when it comes to health care. But for those who can’t afford it…to bad? But then, if they did include it, their parties argument would fall apart. Just a lot of nonsense.
The Libertarian Party: "We favor restoring and reviving a free market health care system. We recognize the freedom of individuals to determine the level of health insurance they want, the level of health care they want, the care providers they want, the medicines and treatments they will use and all other aspects of their medical care, including end-of-life decisions. People should be free to purchase health insurance across state lines."
Except when they can’t. 

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