Friday, April 11, 2014

Remember Charlene Dill. Denied Medicaid Expansion in Florida Ended her Life.

Everything Republicans say is a form of projection. Remember "death panels?" Republicans governors have become the panels bureaucratic leaders, passing out 5 to 6 death sentences a day. 

Here's the story of one victim, as told by Thom Hartmann:
Millions of Americans are unable to afford life-saving healthcare, because Republicans would rather play politics than protect people's lives. In fact, the rate of uninsured Americans is a staggering 50% higher in Republican-controlled states. 

In Florida alone, 750,000 Floridians are without insurance ... Harvard researchers estimate that 6 people in Florida die every day because of Governor Scott's decision.

Charlene Dill was one of them. Charlene was a hardworking single mom, who worked three jobs to help make ends meet. Last year, Charlene made just $11,000 cleaning houses and babysitting. She used that money to help put food on the table for her children, and to put a roof over their heads. Charlene also had a severe heart condition, but she couldn't afford the proper treatment for it, because she didn't have health insurance.

Despite her health woes, Charlene continued to work three jobs, and continued to be the best mother that she could be for her children. But then one day late last month, when she was in a neighbor's house trying to sell a vacuum cleaner, Charlene died from her untreated heart disease. She died because multimillionaire Rick Scott chose to play politics, rather than protect the lives of the Florida citizens he is supposed to be serving.
It's hard to imagine something like that happening in this country, willfully. Here's Charlene's story from MSNBC's Alex Wagner:

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