Monday, March 12, 2012

Here we go again; the News Media Gives Walker's Failures a Pass…problems bigger than one person.

This is just what happened when the Journal Sentinel (JS) gave Walker a pass after he essentially bankrupted Milwaukee County. Funny how the Democrats can't seem to catch the same breaks.

For instance, with so many jobs being created by the Obama administration, it's okay that RNC chair Rience Priebus can still insist the “situation is clearly not improving.” Huh?

Walker has seen 7 months, from June 2011 through December, of massive job losses, while every state around us is creating jobs. But at least we’re headed in the right direction? This is all part of the media myth Republicans are our “fiscally conservative” watchdogs. It's never been true.

This editorial so beneath even Journal Sentinel standards:
What's the matter with Wisconsin? …revisions in earlier data showed Wisconsin lost nearly 10,000 jobs in 2011 … Wisconsin was one of only six states whose economies are expected to contract this year. Whatever the reason - and almost everyone seems to have a theory - we'd caution against a rush to judgment based on only a few months of data. Although Walker promised 250,000 new private-sector jobs would be created during his four-year term, we've always been skeptical that he - or any politician - could do that…”
The JS even gives a backhanded “almost everyone seems to have a theory” slap at the Democrats, for saying anything at all. JS goes on to exaggerate that we only have a “few months of data?” Then they excuse Walker’s ridiculous promise to create 250,000 jobs, even though it was a campaign issue that helped him beat Tom Barrett.

This can only happen in Republican world. And it’s another reason why the GOP has become so radicalized; the media never reins in their outrageous behavior. The JS did its level best to blame everything but the butler for the states jobs slump, all external forces out of Walker’s authoritarian control:
Could the political tornado that blew into Wisconsin … demand for its product or service … the cut in take-home pay for thousands of public workers around the state … continued sluggishness in Europe is affecting Wisconsin exporters … Or that a chronic skills mismatch is to blame.
They topped that off with another BIG LIE, that was probably written by Walker himself:
“But while Walker may be an easy political target, we're not buying this particular criticism of the governor. For all of our concerns with Walker's policies, he did bring the state's budget into balance…”
Of course he didn’t balance the budget. The budget has fallen short twice. Layoffs were replaced by public employee retirements. But what’s so frustrating is the disconnect the JS editorial board has with the papers actual content that obliterates their clichéd arguments.

But JS’s surreal final thought reveals how conservatives will never see fault with their own dangerously failing authoritarian belief system:
Politicians are always eager to offer simple solutions; voters sometimes are too eager to believe them. The real reasons elude such mushy thinking. Whatever is the matter with Wisconsin - if, indeed, anything is - has a whole lot more to do with business conditions here and elsewhere than it does with the actions of any single politician.

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