Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Walker and the Teabilly Republicans want to Rule through Blackmail and Blacklists.

Absolute power has a way of changing the weak willed into monsters. The Walker Authority is one fine example.

When Scott Walker decided to withdraw his own student nomination for regent using his recall petition as a blacklist, that turned a page for me. If you make a list, any list, Republicans everywhere will use it against you for political or employment reasons.
And that’s a direct threat to you and your family. It's unimaginable as a way of life in America.

Check out this story from March, that I completely forgot to shine a bright light on, that is even more relevant today:
Uncle Fester...?
Huffington Post: Al Gerhart, 54, of Oklahoma City, said the Sooner Tea Party will do what he promised in his email … threatened to turn State Sen. Cliff Branan (R-Oklahoma City) into a "laughing stock" and "dig into" his family members and associates unless he backs a bill blocking the United Nations' sustainability agenda.

“We want to know what is going on down there. We want to know if his wife has got a criminal history. We want to know everything about him. We want to find out if this man is a responsible citizen, if he's even got his family under control much less control of his office,” Gerhart said.
Devoid of any moral or ethical issues, Gerhart uses the old Republican excuse that gives them a mental pass:
Gerhart denied doing anything illegal.
Gerhart doesn't stop there either. The following is still another reason why the Walker recall petitions, now a GOP blacklist, is so dangerous and threatening:
“These politicians need to know that it doesn't end when their term is over,” Gerhart said. “They need to know that their decision's going to follow them for the rest of their days. They need to know the Tea Party is not going away — that if we don't win it the first time, we're going to come back the next year and the next year and the next year after. And we don't forget these people that are traitors to the Oklahoma people.”

He said the Sooner Tea Party will report what is found on the Internet, in Branan's district and at Branan's church. “I want the people in his church to know what he is doing. That it's wrong,” Gerhart said.
This is the teabilly Republican style of governing. Any questions?

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