Tuesday, July 2, 2013

State Sen. Glenn Growthman sticks with Food Stamp Dependency Myth, while the facts say just the opposite.

Our favorite shocking Republican, State Sen. Glenn Grothman, had something nice to say about the Republicans new attack on the working poor; updated rules to kick people off the FoodShare program.

Appearing next to someone like State Rep. Cory Mason on Upfront with Mike Gousha, may not have been a strategically wise move for Grothman, but what does he care. Priceless stuff.

I  hope you have the time to watch the video I constructed from that interview, with additional clips from three guests appearing with Bill Moyers. It's everything you needed to know about food stamps and hunger in America, along with the meaningless fiction from Sen. Glenn Grothman. The idea that safety net programs create government dependence is a lie. It's that simple, and there's research to back it up:

From Moyers and Company:
Kristi Jacobson, one of the film’s directors and producers, tells Bill. She and Mariana Chilton, director of the Center for Hunger-Free Communities, explain to Bill how hunger hits hard at people from every walk of life.

Greg Kaufmann, poverty correspondent for The Nation, says the poor in America are stereotyped and demonized in an effort to justify huge cuts in food stamps and other crucial programs for low-income Americans.
“People are working and they’re not getting paid enough to feed their families, pay their utilities, pay for their housing, pay for the healthcare… if you’re not paying people enough to pay for the basics, they’re going to need help getting food,” Kaufmann tells Bill. “There are a lot of corporations that want to be involved in the fight against hunger. The best thing they can do is get on board for fair wages.”

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