Monday, May 7, 2012

People Deny they'll need Health Care. It's always somebody else getting sick....

While Republicans may have convinced tea party voters that health care is something they don't have to buy (there's always the ER), folks think they'll never really need all that coverage anyway.

AFLAC Insurance conducted their annual WorkForce Report proving that people still believe that nothing ever happens to them, a theme emphasized at Addicting Info

As the charts shows, nothing could be more dangerous. A families health and financial status is most likely headed for a tragic, but avoidable, outcome:

As the AFLAC research explains:
Americans in Denial about Likelihood of Accidents and Serious Illnesses:  Aflac study reveals many U.S. workers are unprepared to handle financial consequences of unexpected health issues.

The fact that American workers aren’t aware of their medical risks and the potential financial impact of those risks is a very real concern that is only compounded when workers don’t take full advantage of available benefits options or adjust their savings strategies to be more prepared,‖said Audrey Boone Tillman, executive vice president of Corporate Services at Aflac.

Now, more than ever, people need to understand that well-being means more than just good health, it’s being prepared for the reality of whatever life may bring and taking the necessary measures to protect themselves and their families.

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