Saturday, January 11, 2014

Paul Ryan: What are we paying this guy for?

Paul Ryan is about to take government freeloading to a whole new level. Yet, he's the lead attack dog of the party, going after societies "takers;" the poor, elderly, veterans and children.

Republican freeloading is a theme here at Democurmudgeon. The push behind small government has less to do with the constitution and more to do with dumping their responsibilities off onto the private sector.

Here's what Paul Ryan really said. Just amazing:
"People think it's getting handled by government. I paid my taxes, I'm working really hard, it's tough to make ends meet, I'm paying my taxes, the governments going to handle this. That's just not true."
You were probably with Ryan all the way up to "that's not true." He's really trying to sell that idea, and I'm hoping no one is dumb enough to buy it. What's Ryan's convoluted and chaotic solution? This time consuming nightmare that gives hard working Americans even more to do:
"People need to get involved with their own communities, and solve this one person at a time, community by community."
After the clip, Ed Schultz nailed it for me. Democratic candidate Rob Zerban should make Ryan's comment a big part of the message, because after all, we pay our taxes, work hard to make ends meet and expect our elected officials to solve problems and earn a paycheck.

So now Ryan is telling us to do it ourselves?

I have to include this comment from Sue, for those who don't read all of them. She has a few questions for Ryan:
Sue said...Please Rep. Ryan, provide for us exactly what you are contributing to your community, right down to the last penny. How much are you donating to your local schools, charter, public and parochial?  How much to your local food pantry, homeless shelter, free clinic?  What resources are you contributing to help identify specific problems in your community and address them?

Give us your bona fides, please. "We" includes you, no matter how little time you spend in the community whose residents aren't able to provide you with $600 bottles of wine.

1 comment:

  1. Please Rep. Ryan, provide for us exactly what you are contributing to your community, right down to the last penny.
    How much are you donating to your local schools, charter, public and parochial?
    How much to your local food pantry, homeless shelter, free clinic?
    What resources are you contributing to help identify specific problems in your community and address them?
    Give us your bona fides, please. "We" includes you, no matter how little time you spend in the community whose residents aren't able to provide you with $600 bottles of wine.
