Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Side Splitting Anti-Menominee Casino Ad Campaign...I can't wait for the next one.

Soooo dumb!!! The following ad against the Menominee tribes proposal to build a casino in Kenosha is so hilariously dopey that you've got to see it to believe it. Take this line for instance:
"Look, Wisconsin already has 24 casinos...and that's a good number!
Yeah, no likes the number 25? "A good number?" What does that mean? And this Kenosha casino is bad for business, despite adding thousands of permanent jobs:
"Studies show it'll also steal jobs, revenues and tourism from other cities, resulting in no net gain for Wisconsin. And that sounds bad for everyone else." 
Competition, more business...that sounds bad? Can we say the same thing about Wal Mart stealing customers from nearby small town shops too? Too many nearby McDonald's for Taco Bell and Wendy's? Or Target stealing revenues from Shopko? Gee, adding more stores results in no net gain for the state. Really? This is what Walker means by being open for business?

Throughout this Onion-like ad, the opponents appear to have no real reason to oppose the Menominee casino.

If you look at the map in the ad, you'll see there are five casinos in the Shawano/Green Bay area alone. Now take a look at the most densely populated area of the state in southeastern Wisconsin. One. Just one casino. And they're whining about the competition.

It's even paid for by, get this, "Enough Already Wisconsin."

You'll laugh, you'll cry, but you won't forget the stunning stupidity of what I think is a bizarre but funny ad. I don't like gambling, but after seeing this, I support the casino.


  1. These guys also put out a press release yesterday caiming that a new Kenosha casino might involve....UNION WORKERS! And God forbid they have people earning a living wage at this new place of business!

    It was a clear tell- this "Enough Already" organization is a right-wing front group.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's just a great link Jake! I was on the "no more" side until I looked at the map. People need to pay more attention to ads by special interest groups.
