Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Stand with Walker" signs torched in Oak Creek. Angry Victimized Republicans Cry like Babies on TV.

Let’s be clear, when "Recall Walker" signs were trashed, destroyed and stolen, not much was made of it. Heck, the signs were free, and it said a lot about the Walker thugs who acted like school yard bullies.

Oh, the inhumanity....
But torch a "Stand with Walker" sign? It's time to exercise your "castle doctrine" rights. I first reported about this here.

Let's be clear, again, the media is in the tank for Scott Walker. Ya think? From an actual interview with Neil Cavuto on Fox News, to TMJ4's obsessive coverage of this buffoonery, the attention given this childish prank has crossed the line from ridiculous to bizarre.

Have these whiny conservatives no pride or self respect? Do they know just how asinine they look pouting about their horrible victimized lives? So this is that rugged individualism Republicans talk so much about.

OAK CREEK - New reports have come in from Oak Creek about "Stand with Walker" yard signs being burned in the area. Three signs were taken from yards and burned on the 8100 block of Mona Court early Monday morning.

"I found out about it when my neighbor called me, and said 'Hey, is your sign gone from your front yard?'  I hadn't noticed, but it was," said Gerry Willie. He (said) that his home wasn't damaged, but he explained, "I feel angry.  I feel it's just another indication of the bullying going on in this state for a year."
The free “Stand with Walker” signs are…well, free. But you could also say the signs are valued at less than $50, or…
The police report from that night lists the sign's value at less than $100, but to Willie, it's the principle of the matter. He says he will put up new signs soon. "We're probably going to coat them with liquid pepper, so if they want to pick them up, they'll have a little trouble getting it off their hands."

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