Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Burned Walker Yard Signs put Police on Alert in Republican Enclave Fox Point!!!

Wow, here's an amazing leap:
TMJ4/FOX POINT- Vandals are torching pro-Walker yard signs, (5 of them), and now homeowners and neighbors are worried the crimes could escalate.
Yes, embolden liberals will escalate this intimidation campaign to the point of…torching people’s houses?  

Conservative projection? Yes. It’s no secret that Democrats are pathetic participants in the sport of combative politics.

The (5) paper signs supporting Walker deserve taxpayer protection too;
The Fox Point police department said they plan to put out extra patrols.  
But taking that absurdity, and turning it into something surreal, is a Republican specialty:
Jamie Schumaker said he's an avid Walker supporter, even a donor; "I'd hate to see this kind of intimidation and threats creep into certainly this election. In fact, it probably has encouraged me even more to spread the word to go out and vote your conscience."
Schumaker probably never heard of or read the book "Conservatives Without Conscience,” described as "the new study of “authoritarian” Republicans by the Watergate-era White House counsel John W. Dean. 


  1. Two weeks ago some Walker supporters, under cover of darkness, stole every Recall sign on Sherman Avenue in Madison. Nobody retaliated by pulling down the two or three "I Stand With Bald-Spot" signs or even called the police. They just bought new ones.

    Republicans are such whiners.
