Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reince Priebus Gets Caught on Lie after Lie...

Reince Priebus lies his way through interview after interview, and is rarely called out on his fabrications, but not this time. Martin Bashir nails Reince about the silly idea a person can vote without offering any proof at all in Wisconsin...it's crazy.  Reince also makes the outlandish claim our elections are riddled with voter fraud. Holy crap, really!!!

Bashir asked why, if there's so much voter fraud, would Republicans seek to dismantle the federal Elections Assistance Commission...
Bashir: "Why would you do that?"
Priebus: "Well listen, I, I...didn't, gettin' into the specifics..."

Bashir: "Oh, there isn't an answer to that..."

Speaking of voter fraud...


  1. As does Priebus, I also live in Kenosha and WI has never had a problem with voter/election fraud until the newly elected GOP manufactured it.

    Liars think others are lying to them.
    Thieves think others are stealing from them.
    Cheaters think others are cheating on them.
    The GOP thinks there's voter fraud...now why would they think that?

    WI voters need to be registered in order to vote. First time voters do have to show an ID when registering. Voters that have moved from one polling district to another must verify their new address with either a DL or utility bill. Priebus is lying when he says you can just walk in and vote.

    When I go to vote, I have to give my name, the polling person looks me up in the registration and I have to verify my address and DOB. I'm given a number and marked as voting that day.

    It's a proven fact that republicans win elections when people don't vote. We saw this here in WI in 2010. What better way for republicans to win in 2012 than keeping people away from the voting booths that normally don't vote republican. Talk about voter fraud!

  2. Reince is correct. There has been major voting fraud in Wisconsin. Major voting fraud. It became public knowledge when the waukehsa clerk and GOP kingpin had misplaced ballets helping Prosser win. They realized that JB Van Hollen the Wisconsin attorney general won by a few thousand vote. It also exposed the fact she counted 22,000 more votes than cast. There is voter fraud. The issue is Wisconsin has this Attorney general that is a fraud. The other issue is the US attorneys office is GOP appointed attorneys. They refuse to do the honest thing and arrest anyone for the voting fraud. In Wisconsin it is who counts the vote not who votes that counts. The statute of limitations does not exist at the federal level. All the justice systems in Wisconsin and not ONE HONEST MEMBER. Thats the issue. Voter fraud would end that day. Arrest the cleark and VAN HOLLEN today.

  3. If not for voter fraud. Wisconsin would have a democrat in the attorney generals office. Everything about him is a fraud. Just like Street walker.
    Before Walker was goobiner. He mislead the mil. county board on a dozen issues accourding a federal judge. The judge then forced the county to hire back the guiards he fired. Lying and mislead costing the misuse of tax dollars is a federal crime. Unless you have a Protection Rackeet protecting you. The US attorneys office in Wisconsin is just that a protection rackeet for walker. Otherwise he would be removed as they investigate these crimes against the people. these are cut and dried charges. Todays US attorneys no longer pursue public corruption. The only persue women children and indegent poor people. Easy prey. Walker could not have done any of his things to Wisconsin because the FBI and US attorney was told this by the federal judge in jan.2011. The US attorneys office is protecting Wisconsin sanduskys Walker and Van Hollen.
