Thursday, June 13, 2013

What's Lazich's Festering Secret that oozes out in the form of Sex Legislation?

A final word on the recent outrageous display of zealotry by GOP Sen. Mary Lazich. The Root River Siren pointed out the one revealing line in Lazich's speech yesterday that may point to something more sinister in her past.
"It became popular in the '60s," she said. "It became the thing to do. You know, you almost had to get one to be a woman."
I edited the many troubling comments from Lazich's speech, 3 and a half minutes worth, defending the government mandated unnecessary ultrasound requirement. You'll hear the 60's line, among others that may further traumatize women troubled by their decision. The following is unsettling:

I went to Lazich's Facebook page and responded to the following comment by someone else who was stunned by her efforts:
Judi-I just watched the video of you on the floor. Your speech was so misinformed, filled with theatrics, and downright insulting to all of us women. Abortion was NEVER just 'the thing to do"...  have you ever met a women who has had an abortion...the heart wretching decisions that they had to make..for wide range of reasons...including many that are for medical reasons...either for the mother..or the fetus who may be deformed or dare you think that a vaginal ultra sound is nothing....they are intrusive...expensive...and can be very dare you think that you have the right to make medical decisions..that should be between a patient and their doctor...and NO one else...disgusted.

Democurmudgeon-Thank you Judi for setting the record straight. Lazich if anything, may have made things worse for women who have made this difficult decision and are still haunted by it. There's is also something deeper possibly going on here that needs some serious professional treatment.  
Zealot fringe group leader Sue Armacost, of Wisconsin Right to Life, pretends women only get to see the diagram of an empty uterus, and aren't smart enough to ask for more information. Government knows best, right Sue?
Armacost: "...and given that it is a member of the human family, ah, she has a right to know what her baby looks like." 
Ah, the "right to know" what her baby looks like. By the way, you don't see Armacost trying to save full grown adult fetuses by giving them the "right to health care"...something missing from every other right to life groups agenda?

In response to one comment, I wrote this about Lazich's knowledge of the 60's womens movement:
I'm two years older than Lazich, my older sister was a devout feminist and schooled me, and believe me, getting abortions wasn't...and still isn't "the thing to do." Seriously, think about it. It may have impressed Lazich that way, but reality was so much different (then, as it is now.)

Remember too, at that time back alley abortions and coat hangers were still part of their "choice." If it wasn't for the feminist movement, we wouldn't have had Roe v Wade in '73.

Lazich is a opinion. I have something against psycho's being in charge of my home state. Sen. Dale Schultz still votes Republican, but he isn't a psycho. There is a big difference between an authoritarian conservative and a thoughtful one.


  1. Sen. Lazich is from the party that:
    -undid equal pay law
    -rejected Medicaid funds
    -got rid of tenant rights
    -restricted food stamp purchases
    -undid tort rights
    -massively cut public school funds
    -failed to create jobs

    etc. etc. The data shows that 70% of all abortions are for economic reasons. The GOP just made abortion more likely while making it less available. And they claim to care about women and children?????

  2. Mary's biographical info states that she was born in 1952.
    So someone who was still a teenager when the decade ended can speak confidently about what women were thinking and feeling at the time, and can definitively state for the record that women were getting abortions to prove their womanhood, several years before abortions were even legal.
    She must have hung out with a tough crowd.

  3. Sue, I'm two years older than Lazich, my older sister was a devout feminist and schooled me, and believe me, getting abortions wasn't...and still isn't "the thing to do." Seriously, think about it. It may have impressed Lazich that way, but reality was so much different.

    Remember too, at that time back alley abortions and coat hangers were still part of their "choice." If it wasn't for the feminist movement, we wouldn't have had Roe v Wade in '73.

    Lazich is a opinion. I have something against psycho's being in charge of my home state. Sen. Dale Schultz still votes Republican, but he isn't a psycho. There is a big difference between an authoritarian conservative and a thoughtful one.
