Friday, June 14, 2013

Europe moving from Austerity to Men Peeing Sitting Down.

Just loved this story about men sitting down to urinate, and the video clip from Larry David’s Curb your Enthusiasm:
Urinating while standing up may soon become illegal in Europe, as representatives on
Feeding into the fantasy...?
the Sormland County Council and the Left Party are urging a "sitting only" rule for public restrooms.  Supporters of the law say that urinating while sitting will help the bladder empty more effectively, and thus is healthier.

If it continues to be seen as politically incorrect, many countries in Western Europe may start giving out tickets for standing up and urinating. Site the Naked Scientists said that a similar movement is popping up in Germany, France and Holland.
Here's Larry David:

The problem has become so widespread that feminists in some portions of Europe have created signs that say "Drop your trousers and sit" and feature a logo of a man standing up while urinating with a big red X over it. 

Other women are taking a stance against it by posting placards with the words "Not another filthy puddle on MY bathroom floor!" to stop men from standing while urinating at home.

1 comment:

  1. As Winston Churchill said: "Why stand when you can sit?"
