Friday, February 3, 2012

Susan G. Komen backs down, survival instinct kicks in.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure found out that taking the Planned Parenthood fight national was a very bad idea. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised they were forced to back peddle over not just for survival, but creating a national backlash that may have done more harm than good. 

While Planned Parenthood continues to lose funding on a state level, those battles were limited to local news casts. But Komen's decision began to turn the tide against right wing extremism and the anti-abortion movement.
NY Times: Susan G. Komen for the Cure said on Friday it was retreating from a decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, which provides abortion and birth control services, and apologized for a move that thrust the breast cancer charity into a deeply politicized controversy.
On Fox News, Family PAC Federal Vice President Sandy Rios went nuts, using every racial term possible as if to defend minorities with her extremist anti-Planned Parenthood position. You really won't believe it, even Megan Kelly was repulsed:


  1. I think if you REALLY read their "reconsideration"'ll find they did nothing. They didn't really back down.....just pushed the blame onto someone else.

  2. The juries still out in my mind. We'll see. Again, I think if they actually backed away, they did it for survival.

    If this is just a word game, and future PP payments are not in the plans, well that should tell us something.
