Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tammy Baldwin makes convincing case for Obama's Affordable Care Act!

I've been critical of Rep. Tammy Baldwin, who's running for Herb Kohl's open senate seat, for not being remotely visible during the health care debate. She claimed it was her calling in life, yet rarely made an appearance on the cable news circuit.

Tammy Baldwin has suddenly found her voice, which brings me to her story, the one she should have told long ago:

jsonline: Baldwin defends support of health act. In contrast to the three Re­publican candidates for Sen­ate, all of whom are in favor of repealing the law, Baldwin defended her vote in support.  Baldwin told a small crowd at the Milwau­kee Press Club’s “News­maker” luncheon.

Baldwin was raised by her grandparents in Madison and had osteomyelitis, a bone in­fection, at the age of 9. The ill­ness kept her in the hospital for three months.

Her grandparents discov­ered that no insurance plan covered grandchildren, re­quiring them to use their sav­ings to pay for her care. The added hit was that she had a pre-existing health con­dition going forward.

“They couldn’t find health insurance for me at any price,” she said.

Baldwin said she grew up believing that every Ameri­can deserved the right to have affordable, comprehensive health care coverage. “That’s where my passion for this fight comes from,” said Baldwin, who is fully re­covered from her illness.

The three Republican can­didates — Tommy Thomp­son, Mark Neumann and Jeff Fitzgerald — have pledged to work to repeal the law.

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