Lost in the rush to pass out vouchers like dollar store gift
cards, is the knowledge that parents can shop anywhere for anything that calls itself a “school.”
In countries that provide a nationwide vouchers, there is also a nationwide
curriculum and test.

That’s where we’re taking education? As Wisconsin Republicans
trash one of the better systems in the country, they will also give themselves
more ammunition as to why public education should be dismantled. A new report
just piles on what is already happening now under Scott Walker:
Education Week: A new review offers a "bleak picture" of the state of state science standards across the nation, with just over half earning a grade of D or F. Only California and the District of Columbia were given a solid A. The Fordham report, issued last week, focuses on two main areas: "content and rigor," and "clarity and specificity."
The study comes as a major effort is under way to develop a set of common, "next generation" science standards. Twenty-six states are playing a lead role in crafting the new standards.
In explaining the F grade handed to Wisconsin, one of 10 states to receive failing marks, the Fordham report describes the standards as "simply worthless," saying "no real content exists to evaluate."
Patrick J. Gasper, a spokesman for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, said that his state's standards were "considered exemplary" when released in 1998, but that they are not grade-specific. "…providing too much specificity ran counter to our system, where local control is important," he said.
Is Gasper saying “simply worthless” is good, and
the excuse to do nothing via “local control” is better? And 14 years of curriculum
research, evaluation and “innovation” doesn’t count?
Remember, voucher and charter schools are promoted by the
right wing as outside the box “innovators,” and are in many ways critical to
the effort to improve education and create competition.
So it’s not surprising
that the Republican administration under Walker, the purveyors of bad
government, would also contradict their position on local control:
Wisconsin officials are "anxiously awaiting" the completion of the common science standards, Gasper said.
But are they using the top standards template already set up
in California and D.C.? Who knows:
Fordham report's Ms. Porter-Magee said "Those standards in both cases were very comprehensive, really outlined all of the important science content that students need to learn across all the disciplines and all the grades.
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