Friday, February 3, 2012

Aldi Hero not ticketed for carrying a gun in a No Guns business. So much for property rights, so much for the law.

Property rights advocates lost a big one when Milwaukee's DA decided not to give a ticket, or fine a store customer, who carried a weapon into a business that did not allow firearms. Basically, some laws take a backseat to others. D.A. John Chisholm just eviscerated a part of the new gun law, and never mentioned the "no guns" sign issue. It's open season now:
jsonline: The Aldi customer who shot an armed robber in the store Monday won't face any criminal charges, prosecutors confirmed Friday. Dist. Atty. John Chisholm said the law allows use of reasonable force in threatening situations, regardless of whether the shooter has a concealed weapons permit.

"He disrupted an act that potentially exposed himself and others to great bodily harm," Chisholm said. Video footage from the store showed "he acted reasonably and in a controlled manner during the encounter," Chisholm said.

The customer, Nazir Al-Mujaahimid of Milwaukee, called it nothing to brag about, but that "sometimes you have to do what you have to do."

Al-Mujaahimid “humbly” started his own CC web site, and “humbly” bragged about at his “humble" press conference:
Al-Mujaahid plugged his new web site,  It reads in part: Learn from Real People like you and me, normal Ordinary Citizens that have awaken the spirit of personal responsibility and freedom that this country was founded upon.

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