Friday, December 2, 2011

The World According to Scott Walker.

Gov. Scott Walker lives in a completely different world than the one I'm familiar with. You may not recognize Walker's version of reality, to the one you might read about in the papers, blogs or see on local TV newscasts. Check out this highlight edition of his recent Newsmax Interview:

“The majority of the people of Wisconsin elected me to do exactly what I said I’d do … I’d still make sure that we protected seniors and needy families and children and ultimately do things like putting more money in the classroom.

Bitter revenge is just a breath away for Walker…
“We did all those things and so a handful of folks want to stand up and cry foul. It’s really because they want to continue to take money out of the pockets of workers without their permission. So in the end … it’s about us standing up to protect workers and the state of Wisconsin as well.”

Ever the victim, Walker imagines the recall started before he became governor…
Walker was elected governor by 124,000 votes last November … He says the recall effort started immediately, two months before he was even sworn in.

Ever the peacemaker...
“…we’ve got a plan to bring the people of our state together,” he added. “Not just among the party but in the larger context, public and private, local and state, coming together to help put our state back to work.”

Walker also forgets taxpayer money is actually converted to WAGES, earned by public employees. It’s their money, not the taxpayers…
Walker said … Some of the money that taxpayers contribute goes toward union dues which are then partly used for political activity which aids candidates who help the unions.

Walker imagines…
That the money goes to politicians “who promise, many times in secret, to add more employees, more benefits, more government spending.
Walker came into office promising to bring in policies that would create 250,000 jobs … that figure stands at only 29,000 as he approaches his first anniversary. Still, he called that “a tremendous shift” from what had happened in recent years.

This is where the idiotic GOP revisionist history erases the Great Bush Recession, and blames state Democrats for the loss of jobs during the global crash…
“In the last three years before I took office, 2007-10, under my predecessor and with Democrats in charge of the legislature, Wisconsin lost 150,000 jobs," he said. "In the first six months we gained almost 40,000. We’ve had our challenges in August and September and October but that’s in large part because of the national and global economy.

And in that dog-eat-dog free market world of risk, Walker wants government to interfere…
“If you’re a small business and you want to add five more employees, oftentimes you’re going to say ‘what other costs are coming up in the next year or two’ and if people aren’t confident that they can manage those costs, they’re not going to add jobs.”


  1. Mr. Walker is against government unless it is acting as a corporate socialist picking marketplace winners and losers. Then big government is good.

    Even if "'socialism' is taking from one person and giving to another who didn't earn it", like corporations for example while taxing the poor.

    Mr. Walker says he's put more money into the skewls by raping them of $1.6 billion and another $250 billion from the UW system. wonder he dropped out/was kicked out of accounting.

    With Mr. Walker, there is no truth can't be bent, broken or destroyed because he is the son of a Baptist preacher, and an Eagle Scout and everything.

  2. Sorry should read "$250 million" from the UW system.

  3. Nice points. Appreciate the additional perspective.
