Monday, December 5, 2011

Churches Contemplate No Gun Signage.

Thanks to the Republican administration, we now have gun ban sign pollution everywhere, all because about 40,000 gun loons want to carry their hobby with them...and win a few political arguments.

Signs are everywhere unfortunately, distracting from the appearance of a proud homeowners property, and possibly hurting struggling businesses just trying to serve their clients.  But what about churches?
WSJ: The state's new concealed carry law is causing churches to discuss whether to post signs banning concealed weapons, and at least some parishioners are finding the discussion pretty tricky … what they should say or look like.

The Rev. Jeff Wild, Advent's pastor, shows a glowing heart that is so hot it is melting a nearby handgun. Rev. John Mix, a church member and jail chaplain who's an artist on the side … "My idea was that it is radiating the kind of love that disarms weapons," Mix said.

One of those people is Advent member Ken Streit, a clinical professor at the UW-Madison Law School. Streit said while he's not in favor of people packing heat at church, he doubts a sign would really stop anyone intent on doing harm. His primary objection is that the law's advocates have forced churches and other organizations to react to their agenda.

"Who's pushing our button to do this?" he asks. "It feels like the (National Rifle Association) is getting us to post a sign, which is sort of like free advertising for them."

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