Did you catch that? Pretending that gun control folks actually believe gun registration will prevent people from going off the deep end, by using such sarcastic language as this, is absolutely mendacious.Wendy Cukier and the CGC are grasping at straws in a desperate measure to retain any or all of the long gun registry. These are public scare tactics filled with half truths and flat out lies.
Wendy seams to be under the impression that the only thing stopping an otherwise law-abiding gun owner from going on a shooting rampage is a little piece of paper. Sick people are sick, and require treatment. I’m sure $2 billion could have been better spent on mental health issues rather than harassing law-abiding citizens.
Wendy seams to be under the impression that the only thing stopping an otherwise law-abiding gun owner from going on a shooting rampage is a little piece of paper.Nobody thinks that. But, well aware of that fact, gun-rights extremists both north and south of the border say stuff like this, and make serious arguments against, it as if we actually believe it and have said it. We don't, and we haven't.
The benefits of gun registration have been clearly defined. They have nothing to do with preventing people from going on shooting rampages. They have everything to do with preventing guns from flowing into the criminal world. They will help the so-called law abiding gun owners to hold onto their guns and stop allowing them to reach criminal hands.
And guess what, it's been proven to work.
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