Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Recall Petition Fraud Discovered. Van Wanggaard Signatures Investigated.

Just as I have warned all along, any attempted fraud in the recall efforts against Walker and the Republican senators targeted, will have been committed by recall opponents. Walker thugs. I was right.

Just as serious, the effort to commit fraud was made easier by a rabid right wing groups blog; Citizens for Responsible Government of Racine. The blog is written by Ken Brown, who is an active Racine County Tea Party member. Radical enough? Check out the details:
Caledonia Patch: Officials with the Committee to Recall Van Wanggaard suspect the man accused of fraudulently signing names to petitions may have been trying to 'discredit' the recall effort.

Committee treasurer Randy Brandt said no one in their group knows anything about Mark Demet, who is under investigation by the Racine County Sheriff's Department for reportedly signing his neighbor's name and the names of his own family members on recall petitions before turning them in. That neighbor, Jason Adams, brought the information to Patch last week. 

Recall Committee Treasurer Randy Brandt said this:
OK, we have this guy who claims to have collected signatures against Wanggaard - and whom we’ve never even heard of, and the petitions in question include the names of all the members of his family, apparently fraudulently. Then, his brother just happens to report these petitions as fraudulent to one of his best friends, who just happens to publish a blog that’s always opposed the recalls in the first place. Doesn’t that strike you as the least bit odd?

Brandt said he believes Demet collected the signatures “so that one of his relatives could later come forward and claim fraud in a friendly forum, in an effort to try to discredit the overall conscientious efforts of the Committee to Recall Wanggaard and the overall recall effort against Gov. Walker in Racine County.”

Demet apparently tried apologizing yesterday to his neighbor Jason Adams for his actions. But Adams wanted nothing to do with it, he said.

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