Friday, February 3, 2012

Intimidation campaign for Recall signers may spell end to future efforts?

The campaign to make the recall illegitimate is picking up steam on conservative talk radio and their wacky blogs. Watch for it; they will come up with enough questionable signatures to call off the Walker recall. In the mean time, the tactics so far might be enough to convince some not to sign a recall petition again. Of course, if Republicans pursue a future recall, liberals would never find it in themselves to respond in the scary way they have.

Fox6: Recall petitions targeting Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and four Republican state senators are now available for public viewing online, and as a result, there is concern that the names listed on the recall petitions could be used by marketing companies and political parties.

What will that mean for recall petitions in the future? Political Consultant Chris Haworth says “I think it will give anyone who has a recall petition or any petition in front of them to sign their name, a moment of pause before they actually decide whether they’ll put not only their name, printed and signed, but also where they live,” Haworth said.

Both sides may come together and make sure petition circulators let signers know they are signing a public document, and their address may be viewable to the public.

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