Sunday, November 13, 2011

1 out of 6 seniors are poor due to Medicare premiums. So Republicans want to make them pay more.

Everything Republicans do is counterintuitive. In a recovering recession, they want to do away with unemployment and Medicaid, when it's needed most. They want to create jobs, but cut the wages of workers, killing demand and a recovery. 

And so it goes with Medicare. In the very short video clip below, a Census reminder that the largest increase in poverty is occurring to seniors, because of Medicare premiums and drug costs. 

So what do Republicans like Rep. Paul Ryan propose; more out of pocket costs for seniors, so they feel more of the pain, and don't go on medical care buying frenzy. 

Even the media doesn't care. They're now selling us all on sacrificing more, just so we can cut tax rates for the new aristocracy. Or as Michael Moore revealed in Capitalism; A Love Story, the word is Plutonomy:
L.A. Times: Medicare is growing in part because the baby boom generation is starting to hit retirement age, swelling the ranks of beneficiaries. But a bigger factor is simply the rising cost of medical care. This is due to many things, including the cost of chronic illnesses, uncoordinated and inefficient care, and a payment system that encourages people to spend more. Reining in spending on a program as popular as Medicare is politically treacherous, but there's no way around it. Fixing the flawed incentives in the program will require at least some elderly Americans to pick up more of its costs, which won't be easy for those on fixed incomes. 

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