Friday, June 8, 2012

Radio's Screeching Battleaxe Vicki McKenna Poisons Eau Claire Area's Airwaves.

Vicki McKenna brought here biting trailer trash radio carnival to Eau Claire recently, and guess what, the area flipped their vote from Tom Barrett to Scott Walker. Radio propaganda is alive and well in the U.S.. It funny how the whole country is also slithering further and further right. I assume the media thinks it’s all just a coincidence?
WSJ: La Crosse and two other counties flipped from Republican red to Democratic blue between 2010 and Tuesday: Kenosha and Columbia. There also were four Wisconsin counties — Crawford, Eau Claire, Green and Trempeleau counties — that reversed results from 2010 and went for Walker over Barrett.


  1. Looks like the good guys are up by one county.

    I'm sure the others will come back to their senses in November.

    I really think Obama deserves the credit though.

  2. Keep up the good work Eau Claire!
