Friday, April 29, 2011

Wisconsin Grocers Association wants to post pro-Walker signs in stores to protest illegal signs, on store products.

The anti-Walker stickers are so far just a rumor. And if these mysterious stickers find their way into grocery stores, they are also considered a form of vandalism. To fight this phantom sticker campaign, the Wisconsin Grocers Association has come up with an excuse to exploit the situation.

Think about it. This is nothing more than a reason to post political, pro-Walker warning signs all over Wisconsin stores for everyone to see, while at the same time banning anti-Walker protest stickers from those same stores claiming they’re illegal. Pretty clever isn’t it? 
(AP)   The Wisconsin Grocers Association is warning its members to be on the lookout for opponents of Gov. Scott Walker who are planning to deface some products in grocery stores on May 1.  Walker opponents have urged consumers to boycott companies that have donated to the governor's campaign.
Although no group has stepped forward to claim they are behind the proposed sticker protest, the WGA is playing up their role as victim, with what is essentially pro-Walker anti-union campaign of store “notices.” This is not about vandalism, or their concern over a few possible political stickers. It a vilification of the "phantom liberal."  
The grocers group has created a sign for stores to post alerting people that placing stickers on products in stores is illegal.
This is free publicity, pure and simple. But has the media bought into it? Not WLUK:

No signs should be posted. NONE. Violators should be subject to the law. It’s that simple.

1 comment:

  1. Demo curmudgeon says that the Wisconsin Grocers Association wants to post pro-Walker signs in stores to protest illegal signs, on store products. To fight this phantom sticker campaign, the Wisconsin Grocers Association has come up.
