Friday, April 15, 2011

The War Against the Intellectual Mainstream. Ayn Randers and Tea Party Voters Unite.

We already know how greed and an unregulated Wall Street tanked the global economy and shed 8 million American jobs. So how would an everyday free market conservative change their economic theory? They wouldn't. 

According to the Ayn Rand Center: 
But today’s statist onslaught is the result of a deeply entrenched set of ideas about the proper purpose of government. Virtually everyone today believes that unrestricted capitalism is immoral and dangerous, and that the government’s role is to actively intervene in the economy in order to achieve the “public good.” So long as these ideas remain unchallenged, and no positive alternative is offered, no protest will be able to change the country's course. 
What’s needed today is not a tax revolt, but a revolt against today’s intellectual mainstream. 
And the opposite of the intellectual mainstream is....

Note: Her name is pronounced, eye'n rand.

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