Monday, July 2, 2012

Republicans Embrace Freeloading, Take Health Care Money from Other Peoples Premiums. Thanks you.

This is the picture making the rounds on the conservative blogs. The "tax," or as Mitt Romney calls it, a penalty or a fee, is on freeloaders. They want to stick me with their bill. Suddenly, Republicans are all for freeloading (they've been doing it for years, they call it small government).

Nice to know, and I'm so glad they're finally admitting it. Freeloaders!!!

The picture, no matter how you look at it, clearly shows that those who don't buy insurance get a penalty...a fee...a tax, no matte what the income. If you making very little, you'll be on Medicaid, if you make a little more, you'll get subsidies that pay almost all of your premiums. It's a progressive system of subsidies.

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