Sunday, June 10, 2012

Thinking Outside the Boxed-in Democratic Public Image.

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign's Mike McCabe is doing what the Democratic Party should be doing, reframing the party's brand and campaign style. "Let's work together" isn't working.
McCabe: "At some point I think the Democrats have to come to terms with how damaged their brand has become. Most people look at the Democrats and they see the party of government...and the problem is most people hate the the past, Democrats stood for things that touched every single family." 
Whether you agree or not, McCabe is on the right track, and has thoughtfully made a case for his argument to change the party dymanic. WPT's Here and Now:

1 comment:

  1. Hate to admit this but...June 10, 2012 at 9:48 PM

    Interesting - Walker's divide and conquer is working.
    You don't have a pension but THOSE PUBLIC WORKERS DO! YOU SHOULD FEEL ENVY, JEOLOUSY, HATE, RESENTMENT! THEY HAVE - YOU DON'T SO VOTE FOR WALKER- He'll make yiur life better by putting down others.

    Yes - the messaging needs to change. And frankly - Tate need some serious advice. JOHN NICHOLS is the man!
