Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jindal Vetoes bipartisan unanimous bill to allow Donor Money to Public Schools.

If you had any doubts about whether Republicans were trying to eliminate public schools for profit driven cost cutting education, this should clear that up:
NewsStar: Gov. Bobby Jindal vetoed legislation Friday that could have provided private funding to improve troubled public schools. The author of House Bill 1106, Rep. Katrina Jackson, D-Monroe, said she considers the veto "a strong blow against public education. This is the one bill that encouraged funding of public education. It would have helped prevent schools from going into unacceptable status."

The bill sought to give tax rebates to people who contributed to public schools. It started out giving a 25 percent rebate to donors giving money to C schools, 59 percent for D schools and 75 percent for F school donations. By the time the bill passed the House and Senate with unanimous votes, lawmakers made it 7 percent rebates to donors giving funds to B, C, D and F schools.

The governor also vetoed Jackson's HB1104, which would require that each agency that administers tax credits and rebates report to the Legislature on their effectiveness. 

1 comment:

  1. Is public education required under Louisiana law? I know it's the only state not based on English common law, but maybe there's a provision for a trial for treason. Jindal certainly doesn't take state governmental responsibility very seriously.
