Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Big Brother Business calling shots with Walker administration, Sen. Scott Fitzgerald, over recall "discord!!" Getting welfare payments to hang around.

There is so much to laugh at in the ridiculous press release from Sen. Scott Fitzgerald below.

Fitzgerald suggest the main thrust of the recall from this moment forward will be to blame the loss of jobs in Wisconsin on civil unrest and the recall elections. It’s not Walker’s failed recycled policies everybody knew wouldn’t work that’s at fault, it’s the citizens of the state.  

The question is, are conservative voters stupid? They are if they believe one word of the following rant that plays on every Republican fear; wasting taxpayer money, and business uncertainty. The “uncertainty hurts business” excuse actually gave corporate CEO’s the idea that they could squeeze the state for more money to stay, instead of fleeing the civil unrest and political fight ahead. 
WTDY’s Curt Baron and reporter Dylan Brogan shine a bright spotlight on a relatively buried story, that only now is proving to be very timely.  Zack Stein dug up this dirt on Spectrum Brands recent fleecing of the Walker administration for $4 million, over the states “apparent community discord.” Not only is this corporate blackmail, but it appears Spectrum Brands would prefer the public shut its trap, or they’ll leave. 

Get ready for brain numbing partisan tripe, from the meanest snake in the senate, Scott Fitzgerald (highlights my emphasis):
Wisconsin Democrats are forcing taxpayers to pay between $9 million and $17 million for recall elections, but the final price tag is more than just your tax money. Recall elections and political uncertainty are bad for jobs in Wisconsin, according to the state's largest business group.

"It's surprising that the Democrats think there's $9 million just lying around, but it's shameful that they're willing to intentionally hurt Wisconsin's job climate like this. Getting Wisconsin back to work should be more important than getting even with Scott Walker," said Sen. Scott Fitzgerald (R‐Juneau).

Earlier this month, a statewide survey by the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce found that business leaders are increasingly worried about the real‐world effect of the Democrats' unnecessary recall elections. Reporting on the results, WMC President/CEO Kurt Bauer said: "Uncertainty inhibits job creation, and the constant threat of recalls undermines not only our democracy but our economy."

Note: Business leaders did not think the political unrest in Wisconsin is hurting their business. Consumer spending, demand, were front and center. Removing Walker is a first step in the Democratic plan to create jobs:
"The fact that the Democrats would push ahead with this recall, even though it's bad for business, means two things: the Democrats are too short‐sighted to see that politics is bad for business, and the they care less about creating jobs than they do about winning an election," Fitzgerald said.
An amazing statement, and lie, when the state has seen a half year of jobs losses.

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