Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Saving tourism and our lakes from Phosphorus Pollution and Algae delayed due to costs! 700 Waterways Fail, and counting...

Pollution is okay, because despite revenue surpluses, we can't afford to reduce it:
jsonline: In another bill passed by the Senate, the state would delay costly phosphorus reduction regulations that would reduce algae-causing pollution in waterways. Aimed at addressing one of the top water problems in the state, the regulations were approved in 2010 during the administration of Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle. About one-quarter of the state’s more than 700 waterways fail to meet water quality standards for phosphorus.
That's a lot. Yet, business and community treatment plants can't afford it. Really, but the environment and tourism can? Seems we have a problem, great lovers of the outdoors:
But business groups and some municipalities said that the new limits would place undue burden on them while other major sources of phosphorus pollution, such as farms, avoid such limits. The bill gives a community or industry an option to delay stricter regulations, for as long as 20 years, if it can prove financial hardship in trying to meet them. 
Funny thing, PBS's Market to Market took an in-depth look at Iowa, who seems to take phosphorus and nitrogen pollution very seriously. They seem to care about their drinking water:

See, as we cut taxes and give back revenues, now we can’t afford to pay for ways to stop pouring phosphorus into our lakes and rivers. Common sense:
During that time, permit holders would have to cut phosphorus discharges. Environmentalists have expressed worries about the bill such as the length of the two-decade delay. Amber Meyer Smith, a lobbyist with Clean Wisconsin, said her group is now officially “neutral” after amendments approved in committee last week addressed some of the group’s concerns. “We think they have made some positive changes,” she said.
There you go, compromise by those trying to save the environment. And so continues our slide into the trash heap. This is what we’re leaving out kids, who will have to raise their own taxes to clean this up.

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