Tuesday, February 25, 2014

After all the Oil and Chemical Spills, Wisconsin Congressmen Vote to Make things Worse Environmentally.

You've seen or heard about these more recent environment horror stories:
A train carrying Bak-ken crude collided with a grain train that had derailed outside Casselton … a pipe ruptured at an oil refinery in Richmond, Calif., releasing a vapor cloud that sent 15,000 people from the surrounding area to seek medical treatment … Duke Energy the nation’s largest electricity provider said up to 82,000 tons of coal ash mixed with 27 million gallons of contaminated water have escaped since a drainage pipe running under a 27-acre waste pond collapsed Feb. 2, turning the river gray for miles. It ranks as the third largest such coal ash spill in the nation’s history … Three oil spills into the Delaware River in the past two weeks in our region sent more than 1,100 gallons of the substance into the waterway. 
That's just scratching the surface. I mentioned this because our congressional representatives don't want to stop these devastating accidents. You know, small government, freedom and liberty.

Their votes have betrayed the people of our vacation wonderland, where we fish our lakes and streams, hunt in our forests, value our wetlands and hike our moraine trails.

If you like clean drinking water, get a load of their amazing vote after all the chemical and oil spills around the nation listed and not listed above. These are dangerous votes:
CONTAMINATED DRINKING WATERThe House on Wednesday refused to add regulations to HR 3590 (listed below) to address environmental disasters such as the chemical spill last month in Charleston, W.Va., in which thousands of gallons of toxic substances leaked from a private storage tank into a river that supplies drinking water to the city and surrounding areas. The motion sought to require companies nationwide to provide federal regulators with data on chemicals and mixtures they manufacture or handle that could end up in public water systems. A yes vote backed the regulatory measure.

Voting no: Ryan, Sensenbrenner, Petri, Duffy, Ribble
Still want to vote these guys back in? There's more according to Roll Call:
HUNTING, FISHING ON FEDERAL LANDThe House passed HR 3590 to open all National Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service land to public recreation, including hunting and fishing, unless officials block access to certain areas. This “open until closed” policy would apply to the one quarter of federal property where broad public access is now denied. The bill also would allow firearms to be carried on Army Corps of Engineers water projects, and bar any future Environmental Protection Agency regulation of ammunition and fishing lures as toxic substances.
The “Let’s trash the parks” bill got a big yes vote from Paul Ryan Ron Kind, James Sensenbrenner, Tom Petri, Sean Duffy, Reid Ribble.

Yea, that's Democrat Ron Kind voting with the GOP environmental rapists. What else can you say? 

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