Friday, April 5, 2013

Walker's "Victim, Blame and Excuses" Reelection Campaign Begins. Can't Take the Heat for Failed Governorship!

Scott Walker is starting to build up his "victim, blame and excuses" image early in his campaign. If he cow's the media, Walker could just get away with mismanaging state government, irresponsible spending and borrowing, and being near the bottom in job creation. Don't forget the tax cut bribe no ones gonna notice, but will certainly hear about endlessly on radio and TV.

Conservatives love to play the victim, and poor, poor Scotty can't seem to handle the oppositions criticism of his under performing administration. Has there ever been a weaker looking "leader."

The whiny groveling in his recent fund raising letter is embarrassingly pathetic:
jsonline-Dan Bice:  Gov. Scott Walker likes to tell people and politicians not to
Walker, Reckless Ranger Jacket?
"personalize your differences." But in his latest fundraising letter, the first-term Republican governor accuses his "vengeful" and "bitter" opponents of doing just that by making their fight with him "personal." He then predicted that those critics will "rant, rave, smear and distort" his message. "Our rivals are gearing up with their usual bad ideas and shameless TV attacks," writes Walker, who is penning a memoir entitled "Unintimidated." "They are bitter and vengeful and defeating me is personal for them."
Just the opposite, has anyone come across more "intimidated?" Our touring governor sure has it hard wielding complete control over state government and crushing the minority party with big money donors.

Walker's life didn't have to be this way, filled with ranting, raving, smearing, bitter, vengeful attacks. It's a world he created all by himself, and now the big bad Democratic Party and voters are coming to get him.

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