Thursday, April 25, 2013

Republicans Block Bailing Out Pre-Existing Condition Fund for Politics, not Lives.

How cruel and inhumane are Republicans? They would deny patients with pre-existing lifesaving, pain saving and disease preventing treatments and programs just so they could stick to their bizarre ideological belief system of small government. To hell with American lives. Wonderful:
Modern Health: An effort by House Republicans to highlight problems with President Barack Obama's healthcare law by bailing out a program for people with pre-existing medical conditions appeared to backfire … the measure met strong opposition from conservative groups resistant to any federal role in healthcare … The money for the plan would come from the Prevention and Public Health Fund, (what) Republicans (call) a slush fund. Republicans are also critical of the use of some $300 million from that fund to publicize the new health insurance markets coming this fall under the healthcare law. "We want to stop Obamacare and that's why we're going to the fund, the slush fund" House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said.
Yes, Republicans would prefer not telling the public about their health care options, or at least keep them in a state of confusion. Not only that, the “slush fund” was a critical element of prevention:
The White House said the legislation would effectively eliminate funding for three years for a program that "supports critical investments such as tobacco use reduction and programs to reduce health-care-associated infections and the national burden of chronic disease."
All so the Republicans could stay true to their belief system, oh, and their sugar daddy lobbyists:
But groups such as Club for Growth and Heritage Action said, "Fiscal conservatives should be squarely focused on repealing Obamacare, not strengthening it by supporting the parts that are politically attractive.”
Politically attractive? Oh, you mean the parts Americans would love to have. This is sociopathic behavior isn't it?

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